Thank you.
Thank you for giving new day and thanks for giving sweet sleeping.
And all the time everything thank you for your help.
I'm a sinner. Sometimes no, many times I forgot you, and I went another way. I love something and someone better then you. I did try to find the happiness at wrong places. It was not your ways. I knew already. But I didn't stop the my wrong steps. Because I am a stupid person. I'm weak, poor. I know there is very dangerous and you never want to it. So I am always fail , and fall.
Please wash my sin by your blood. Please help me for don't same fault.
All the time wait for me I want to your wisdom. I love you so much.
I wanna talk with you every times. I want to live in Jesus.
Please help me please protect me.
I give you on today. Please My every think toward you.