2015년 3월 5일 목요일

Israel Kibbutz volunteer Ready - About Yad Hashmona (1)

Yad Hasimona Volunteer Information


​Yad-Hashmona is a Moshav located 15kms west of Jerusalem in the Judean Mountains near the biblical city of Kiryath Yearim. A Moshav is what you would probably call a small village.
This moshav was founded by a small group of Finnish Christians in 1971.
Israeli Jews Joined the Moshav in 1979 on the common ground of faith in Yeshua HaMashiah(Jesus the Messiah) and belief in the Bible as the inerrant Word of God and as our standard for faith and practice.
Until some years ago, our Moshav used to be a cooperative-communal settlement, similar to a kibbutz in nature, but today, the here living families are living an independent life, enjoying the uniqueness of living surrounded by other believers in Jesus.
Most of the members are now Israelis and the main day to day spoken language is Hebrew.
Each member has his own income, some are working in Yad Hashmona and most of them are working in regular working places close by.
The settlement is supported by tourism:  we are running a guest house both for tourists
 from abroad and Israeli guests.


​Since the foundation of Yad Hashmona volounteers from all over the world come to live with us
and help establish the place. Our volunteer program provides places for 24 volunteers at one time. Volunteers work five days a week, eight hours a day. Men usually work in the restaurant, in maintenance, guarding or gardening. Women work in cleaning, in housekeeping, in the restaurant or garden. The work is Physical and demands your will to do your best for the Lord's kingdom. Please know that you are expected to do a good and faithful job that you are to submit to our working managers in the different areas of work. Volunteers receive two free days each week and two extra free days each month.


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