2015년 7월 7일 화요일

March 31 Jerusalem first trip with Gabriel, Federica,Joanne

outside my room on the bench 

let's selfie 

drying my hair by a breath of air 

( from left side) Federica passionate women fromItaly
Joanne pure girl from half British and half Zimbabwe
Grace crazy women from Korea
Fukiko pretty women from Japan  

Lets go together 
cute boy Gabriel from Colombia

smile Joanne ~!

We are going to Jerusalem !!

185 bus 
fare : 9.6 shekel
from Yad hashmona to Jerusalem 




on Jappa street 
Ben Yahuda market

selfie with Federica

dancing machine Gabriel

nearby Jappa gate Korean flag

Israel Soldiers 

Beautiful weather
youth Jews 

Jappa Gate 

so many people

 go ! Go ! Go ! 

many narrow streets

to western wall
to western wall 

unbelievable !! 

I meet the western wall !!

oops ... I see the western wall 
pray ... 

so many People pray 

Feel so sad ... 
I don't know why but I have to take a picture 

Many people wash hands for pray 

 I heard Jews don't need the job. because they are all priests.

And they don't have to abortion. so they has many children. 

Orthodox Jews is pray at this place three times a day. 

I can touch the wall and then pray for Jews 

Please make them acknowledge Jesus as the Son of 

God, Messiah

Golden Mosque

with Gabriel 

selfie party

so strong sun ... my skin is burned...

Old city 

Via dolorosa

Let's take the pictures

prison of Christ (in Arabic area)

I thought Jesus in the prison 

always selfie

symbol of Israel Golden lampstand


from Damascus Gate to zion Gate between street

I found Korean !! I so so happy 

thank you my friend 

finished my first Jerusalem trip 

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